Originally Posted By: 90 dB
ASCAP approaches them and demands $1000 for a one-year license to play any of the tens of thousands of song titles they represent. Pretty draconian, no?

Based only on Pat's comment: "venue is very small, low key and rural".
Yes...in my irrelevant opinion I see it as 'draconian'.

I could be totally off base but my perception is none of these 'very small' venues are getting rich trying to provide some entertainment in their marketing.

But....currently, we all know the stories of artists getting ripped off in one fashion or another so I guess this policing/revenue generating scheme was an idea to re-coup lost royalty revenues.

I've got no dog in this fight and have not thought about it until this thread.
This is a system of capitalism. smile

Carry on....

Last edited by chulaivet1966; 06/02/14 03:50 PM.