I just wanted to add this: Using the factory chip sound card is not the best way to work in audio with advanced programs like BB. (and others)

You should seriously look into an external interface that connects with USB and runs the native ASIO drivers as opposed to the ASIO4ALL wrapper. Also avoid the interfaces that use "codecs" because they too have issues you don't want or need. My BB on the laptop runs fine on MME drivers BUT.... I can not use it in RB to run audio and midi without getting serious latency. When I connect my Saffire Focusrite interface, and load BB fresh.... it grabs the ASIO driver and there is no latency. On my desk top it's very similar.... I try to use ASIO when I can because it works better. However, only one of the programs running at a given time will get the ASIO driver and that's the first one that gets opened.

Choose the interface based on your needs. The number of inputs and outputs is the big variable. More inputs equals more expensive. Do check to see that it has quality audio input pre-amps, and phantom power.

Once you get a synth set up as the default, you should not have to do that again while working on BB. The wavetable synth is the bottom of the barrel...essentially the worst sounding one. Coyote and TTS are decent as far as midi based synths are concerned. I use TTS.

Beyond all of these issues, BiaB is a very complicated program as you mentioned earlier by comparing it to calculus. I wouldn't go that far, but it does have extensive capabilities and therefore, a learning curve that will take you some time to understand. There are parts and functions in BB that I haven't even touched. My philosophy is I will learn those things, if and when I ever need them. So don't sweat the functions. Take them one at a time.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.