Originally Posted By: 90 dB
Originally Posted By: musiclover
I can sense your frustration.

Any point in just installing 2013 again, easy enough thing to do installing the program only. Just make a different directory for it on computer and point it towards the realtracks and realdrums so it knows where they are.

At least if it crashes as well then you will know nothing to do with 2014.

I know that the NME driver was causing problems for me, stuttering while auditioning styles and scrolling in stylepicker, changing to asio seems to have fixed that so far so good.

Don't rule out screen resolution either, When experimenting with what suited my eyesight the program has a cut of point where even increasing the custom display by just 1% would make icons vanish of screen.

I know with me realband 2014 can crash often, has always been that way with earlier versions.

Another little thing any plugins been used like sampletank or amplitude? Maybe they are crashing and taking biab with it.



I had problems with 2013 crashing as well, but nothing like this. I run everything on ASIO (I tried MME, still no joy). I use dual monitors, never change the native resolution. I don't use Sampletank or Amplitude either. I use RealTracks and Revalver for guitars.

Thanks for the tips.



Bob are you saying you use Revalver inside BIAB ? Why not use it in Sonar instead. Thats what I do and you'll have much better control with other 64bit VST's hanging in the chain. Not saying that it will but try it might even solve the crash!