Hi Michael,

Nice to "meet" you! We love this style of music. This is a real nice song and nicely performed. The mix is real good and the voice clear and crisp. We really liked the "Partners In Crime" line.

The only things that caught our ears that could possibly need a second look/listen are:

1. Perhaps brushes on the drums would set a little better with the style

2. The ending was a bit abrupt. One of the very few downsides of BIAB is the endings can be difficult and tricky. We've worked many hours on just the ending of some of our songs.

All in all, this was a very pleasant listen and we really liked the song. Thanks for the musical treat!

Alan & Di

BIAB 2024 Ultra Plus-all StylePaks*Win11*16GB DDR5*Rhyzen 9745x*AT 2035 Mic*Peavey Nashville 112 Amp*Ibanez ART120* Acoustic/Electric/Washburn D200S Acoustic*Stromberg Monterey Jazz Guitar

Loops: https://aldavidmusic.wixsite.com/bestmusicloops