My interpretation has always been that PG products should have been used in the process somewhere along the line.

If BiaB tracks are in the final production that would certainly qualify.

I have heard several songs through the years I've been here now that had all live music tracks and the connection to PG was the song was recorded with the PG DAW software. That too qualifies.

What Peter Gannon is trying to prevent by having rules for the forums is people coming in from all over and posting songs made in other DAW's and with other software. I can respect and appreciate that. I have and use Sonar as my DAW, I use PG stuff but have no plans to use anything other than Sonar for the time being, as my DAW. At least not until the PG DAW catches up to Sonar with it's functionality.

I often do not give the details as requested..... laziness often but also, quite simply, I don't keep total track of all the track names and numbers I use in a song.'s a question for you folks: Right now, I'm working on a 4 or 5 person collaborative effort on a new song. (I say 4 or 5 because one of the guys may not be able to contribute due to family heath issues) So the song was composed primarily by me in BiaB..... I send the file to another guy who also has BiaB. Changes were made.... and now, the goal is for everyone involved to contribute guitar, bass, drums, organ, and vocal parts that are totally live. The final product will have NO BiaB tracks, and will NOT have been recorded with PG products.

SO... given that scenario..... would this song be acceptable to post in the User Showcase forum?

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.