Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
Another fine one Mr jane. How many times have I wondered in that context about old acquaintances...but not having your riches of song ideas the notion to write about it never came to mind. I'm glad you did.

BTW, you seem on this one to be exploring the lower section of your impressive vocal range. It works very well with the laid back production.

No cans for my general listening but it sounds fine on my KRK's and in my vehicle.

Another stellar production out of a string that's become way too long to count.

J&B - Thanks for all that. Actually... I had a cold the day I wrote this, so it ended up quite low because at the time, it's all I had...

Originally Posted By: Achordocaster

I really enjoyed that. Some nice writing and a fine production. Your so identifiable... I mean that as a compliment. grin

Great Job! Greg

Thanks, Greg... appreciate that...