I reacted poorly to a recent post, and for that I’d like to apologize.

I apologize to pgfantastic and to any other forum member that I may have offended.

One of my many faults is that I usually react poorly to what I consider religious fanaticism. For me, a religious fanatic is someone who can’t even talk about the weather without mentioning god.

If you say “it’s a beautiful day”, … they say “I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for blessing us with such a wonderful day”.

If you mention current events, … they launch into “signs of the times, end of days and the coming Armageddon”.

If NASA puts out a press release about the number of new planets they’ve found, … a noted creationist says all aliens are going to h*ll.


I have no problem with folks of ANY faith practicing their religion, attending their services or saying their prayers.

I do have a major problem with folks who try to insert religion into every topic in order to shove it in your face and teach creationism in public schools.

Since I don’t want to offend the good folks of the PG forums any more than I did with that post, I’m going to take an extended or maybe even permanent break from the forums.

I wish you all well.