
In my opinion there is absolutely no need for you to leave. Nobody wants you to leave... nobody has asked you to leave... I can't think of one person who would be happy if you left...

Part of what makes a person interesting is the way he/she thinks... and the way those thoughts are expressed. The expression of thought is much like the expression of music. The person who is afraid to play may never make mistakes, but he/she also never makes music.

Creative adlibbing often leads to unintended bad notes... but it would be silly to quit playing music if you made a musical mistake in front of a live audience. You'd just shrug it off and continue with the rest of the song.

Who among us hasn't expressed an opinion then thought later it might have been expressed more appropriately? I certainly have! But I think that the most interesting music, and the most interesting communication are both found at the edge of the generally accepted envelope.

This is part of what makes you an interesting guy... you push the envelope. This time the envelope tore a little bit.. so what? We're all just people.

Having said all that, I hope you don't leave. I hope you stay and keep conversation interesting with your lively opinions, expressed kindly.