
You said ...

I don't care about those pieces of music. They more than likely were recorded with real musicians in a professional studio environment and/or venue. I'm not stupid. I'm a merchant myself. I don't pull those kinds of tactics but I am well aware they are used to sell products which couldn't possibly produce what a person is hearing. Not unless the person is professionally trained as a sound engineer. And even then...maybe.

You couldn't be more wrong.

What you hear on the PG Music demos is exactly what you get. The same is true of the large majority of songs in the Users Showcase forum. All any person needs to do is to type in a chord progression in Band In A Box, select a style that suits the mood of the music and hit "Play".

Ten or so seconds later, a fully generated song backing is playing. Moreover, the backing (if using Realtracks) is created by some of the most highly acclaimed musicians around.

It's called ethics.

PG Music is one of the most ethical companies I have ever dealt with.

I was looking for an application that could possibly cut down the workload when it comes to laying out rhythm tracks. I thought that app might be BIAB

Band In A Box will do exactly what you're after (if I'm understanding what you mean by 'rhythm tracks'). I've been using the program since version 2006. It's brilliant.

The fact that it didn't work for you, and that you can't save files, makes me suspect that your antivirus software is stopping it from functioning properly on your system. Norton Antivirus, for example, has a tendency to treat some new software installations as hostile threats until told otherwise.

It's unfortunate that something on your system has prevented you from getting to experience just how amazing Band In A Box is.

If you want to hear what Band In A Box is capable of doing, have a listen to some of my songs (there's a link in my signature). With the exception of two of them which have an added guitar, what you hear is Band In A Box backing some vocals.

All the best,

Audiophile BIAB 2024