The thought just crossed my mind that maybe some people just post a song in order to enter the competition to win a free band in a box at the end of the year, and maybe they don't care a hoot whether anyone comments or not, as long as someone at PG music notices.

Some people do tend to stick on one particular forum, and will probably open the PG forums first thing in the morning and check back frequently throughout the day, whereas other due to time restraints don't have that luxury.

To be honest if I posted a song in the showcase and some one commented I would thank them,and if no one commented, well that's fine too by me, but as its an open forum and I have a lot of personal issues to attend to I certainly don't think I have to listen to a lot of songs and give kudos in return, sounds too much like a little clique thing to me.

The old saying may well apply here.

Before you judge anyone try walking a day in their shoes.
