I have to disagree with 90db on saying that you don't need an interface if you're not recording. Half of what a sound card does is playback as far as function and probably 90% of the music through it is in the playback mode.

I mentioned that I encountered issues with latency when I used Real Band and had synths on the tracks. Latency is a playback issue more so than a recording issue in most cases.

It goes back to the driver. The default factory sound card driver is usually MME. And MME simply can not handle the processing needed to keep the midi/synth tracks synched in real time to audio tracks in a given project. Some computers can do OK but most can not run MME satisfactorily under these circumstances for complicated software like we use. I have yet to see a factory chip designed to run MME that will work with naked ASIO. Wrappers for ASIO might work sometimes, but not always, and it's not the best way to solve the issue anyway.

I do find that straight up Band in a Box will play nicely on my laptop using MME as the driver but not a DAW with midi synths in it. That takes the processing power of a dedicated interface running ASIO drivers.

So... if you are only using BB to create and play the backing tracks, you'll probably be OK..... but if you are using Real Band or some other DAW as the source, you'll need ASIO and an interface that can use that driver if you use plug in soft synths in the tracks of the project.

If BB plays fine, and you need to get a midi source in for live piano or something else, the interface does that PLUS.... it gives you sturdy 1/4" output jacks as opposed to the wimpy 1/8" headphone jack.

Since you said in the third post that money is secondary to performance, get the interface. It does what the Peavey does and more. Do it right the first time.

Last edited by Guitarhacker; 09/12/14 07:27 AM.

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You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.