Originally Posted By: jazzmammal

C'mon, put a little perspective on this.

Hi Bob,
hmm, perspective, here in Australia we've NEVER had power without a protective earth - but then we never used 110V either...

How often does equipment fail? Not very often at all, but if it does why not play it safe? You only get one life. Sure, I may be being over cautious for you, but then I've SEEN what can go wrong...

Ever seen a burnt house that was caused by an electrical fault? I have. I had to help in the clean up too. Ever seen an electrocuted body? I haven't but I know a guy who was so close to being electrocuted to death that his sphincters let go.

Add to that, in my formative years my parents owned an electrical fitting business and I got to see, and eventually repair, motors and other electrical goods that had failed.

You want to be cavalier about it? It's your life, go right ahead - I've seen the other side and I'll choose to be cautious thank you.

--=-- My credo: If it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing - just ask my missus, she'll tell ya laugh --=--
You're only paranoid if you're wrong!