How I do it.

If I export from BiaB (BB for short), I first create a new folder on the desk top or somewhere else where I know where it is.

In the WAV icon, I select that folder and send the files.

HOWEVER, most of the time, I don't work that way. I get the song right in BB.... exactly how I want it.... then I save it and close BB.

I open REAL BAND (RB) and load that BB file. RB populates the tracks accordingly. Aby files that are not rendered to wave are rendered as midi near the top. Waves are rendered below them.

At this point, I have set up a number of blank wave tracks and midi tracks in Sonar. Once again I use the folder and export the waves one at a time to that folder. You can also copy and paste waves direct to the wave track in sonar. Midi files will also copy and paste directly to midi tracks in Sonar. You first must HIGHLIGHT the file in RB... be sure the entire track is highlighted/selected. Then it becomes a simple copy and paste function.

I prefer to work in audio with waves and will only use midi if there's no other way. When I do, I often am selecting it for a softsynth in my stable of synths to play.

I use that folder I mentioned to save ALL files.... MUG, SGU, tracks, final versions in one convenient place. So, if 4 years from now, I want to work on that song or a publisher wants a cue from it, I simply find the folder on my backup drive, open it, and waaa laaa, everything's there, just as I left it last.

Last edited by Guitarhacker; 10/14/14 05:07 AM.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.