
OK. I am getting somewhere. When I bring the files into Realband they are STILL all over the place. The pitch seems OK, but but the timing is out between the drums file, the singing and the guitar. I guess the singing is out because I changed the timing later, but I have no idea why the two guitars and drums are still out.

MarioD - I found the DAW icon in Realband. It actually shows a big word "Plugin" and a very small word "DAW" underneath. This opened the different tracks. Then I exported track by track and imported into Sonar.

Thank you for guiding me through getting audio files through. Now, I still have to work out how to get midi files through so that I can edit in Sonar. Then can I import into BIAB - then Realband and back to Sonar??

PS I checked the audio settings in BIAB, Realband and Sonar - all are 44K 16bit.

Last edited by acmesounds; 10/18/14 11:53 PM.