Originally Posted By: floyd jane
Really? He's on vacation? Again?

Love the opening licks. And the little drum thing at the beginning. And the way the piano guy comes in...nice.

Solid lyrics - and even more solid melody. Sounding new and old (familiar) at the same time. And OH! that singer! Every word sung like she really MEANS it. You were BORN to this, girl.

Tom - you just keep getting better and better in all aspects. This lyric is quite "natural" sounding. The production is studio quality.

Janice. You should be famous. Period.

Y'all done good.


Hell yeah I'm traveling again. Anytime I get the chance. I'm already planning the next one. Glad you liked the arrangement and production. As you well know, working with Janice is downright inspiring. Thanks for commenting on the lyric- not trying to change the world. Just setting a mood. Tom