Originally Posted By: ROG
Hi Guys and Janice.

Well, the production, arrangement, recording and mix just scream out professional whichever way you look at it.

Add to that Tom's wonderfully expressive guitar and the fact that I could listen to Janice sing all day long - you begin to get the idea that I quite liked this one.

In fact, I thought it was great throughout!


ROG, Always great to hear your comments. Thanks from all of us. Tom
Originally Posted By: Al-David
Hi Tom & Janice ..

Well, what's not to like? Just one thing ... it eventually comes to an end.

+1 to everything that's already been said. Love that descending chord group at the very end! Super in every way! Thanks fort a terrific listen!!!! Best to you ...

Alan & Di

Alan & Di , Thanks for checking in on this one. I sure am glad someone said something about the ending. I really struggle with that, and I wasn't sold on the final version but I couldn't come up with anything better. I'm glad you liked it. Tom