there's an awful lot about this song that I like... but having listened a few times, I agree about the sax. John nailed it when he said it gave him a jolt... I think this song cries out for something much softer than a sax.. maybe a cello as Greg suggested. In fact I think as the song progresses a whole string section would escalate the beautiful mood you have already introduced quite successfully. When you've got a good thing going... ramp it up a notch!

Regarding the snare, it appeared at a point in the song where nothing else changed, and therefore the change seemed premature (to me). A safe place to bring in the snare would be at the place where you currently have the sax starting. Same thing for the wood block or whatever that quieter percussive sound is that predates the snare... it could easily wait until the verse changes

At the end, there's a double bass note where everything else is ending with a single sustained note. It may be an intentional allowance to capture that "real player variation" vibe... but if it's just there because that's the way the real track ended, I'd probably keep regenerating the last bar of the bass track until I got a single sustained note.

I've listened your other songs, and you can really sing! If the Eagles-esque backing vocals in the song that follows this one are all you, you have a real strength you aren't exploring to the fullest! If I could do that, all my songs would be richly layered with vocal harmonies used as pads.

In fact the more I listen to your other songs and get a feel for your natural style... I'd rethink the sax in all of them. Your music is all fresh air and sunshine, but a solo sax screams smoky urban club. To my sensibilities, the switch in mood creates cognitive dissonance. Dan Fogelberg's music was similar to yours, and he frequently used brass ensembles... but his approach was different, and I can't articulate exactly what that difference is.

In spite of what must seem like negative comments, I really like your songs a lot. I'm only taking the time to make refining suggestions because your songs are good and could be great. I look forward to hearing more from you... welcome to the PGMusic forum!