An enjoyable listen. I got a Fogelberg "sense", too. Not that it sounded like a Folgelberg song, but had the same (almost undefinable) feel - a good thing. Air-y. Ethereal.

The sax is a little too loud, but I think it could work at the right level. I agree with what Josie said. Down a little and some reverb to set it back in the mix a little. But I think the real culprit is the first couple of notes - sort of a staccato entry - a single note with a volume build might be a better way to introduce the sax there...

The drums did get a little busy a couple of times - almost like your tempo was at the top end of what that RealDrum can handle...

Not to take away from how nice the rest of the song and production were.... Super vocals, btw...

Looking forward to more...
