Originally Posted By: Pat Marr
I have said from the 1st time I heard Janice that she has a special gift. Thanks for your comments on the arrangement. Bud was a great help in hearing some critical parts of the mix that I was missing.

I'm REALLY glad you said this...

It's so easy for Janice's incredible voice to become the only part of the review that gets any attention. But Bud and Janice are definitely a team, and most of our reviews tend to lack sufficient comments about the MANY valuable things that Bud brings to each of these projects. I've often admired the way Bud so graciously steps back into the shadows when the world is showering the project with accolades. That's the mark of a person who engages out of love, not out of a desire for attention. Gotta respect that. A lot.

Writing amazing lyrics, creating pleasing arrangements and making creative observations about possible enhancements to a song are just a few of Bud's special gifts, and I feel compelled to say it out loud for once instead of presuming that everybody knows it.

You too Tommy. As awesome as you are at just about EVERYTHING... in any given set of comments about a collab between you and Janice, chances are pretty good that we're all so busy talking about Janice (and rightly so!) that you are probably not going to hear a similar number of comments about your contribution. (Which is always HUGE, by the way)

Bottom line, your collaborations are awesome because the sum of everyone's contribution simply pushes it over the top... every time!

Thanks to all of you for bringing such good and inspiring music to the User showcase!

Pat, I sincerely appreciate that. Janice and I have such a long time and wonderful relationship that everything we do together from mountain biking, kayaking, hiking, working around the homestead to music is simply a pleasure. Yes, there is a lot done "behind the scenes" but as you pointed out it is, indeed, a labor of love. Our collaborators are so easy to work with and so helpful that it is simply good old fashioned fun! Well, maybe with the possible exception of having to learn so much new software at my somewhat advanced age. grin What really ices the cake is when we read remarks like yours. It is easy for me to slip in a state of doubt about the validity of what we are doing.....and then I read your comments and it all seems worthwhile. Thank you.