I've farted around with this, manually loading my patches for awhile now. Every time I try to load one of the GM maps for Omnisynth, the whole program crashes. It's weird, because some of the time it starts playback, and I can see that it has changed the patches inside Sampletank, but then the whole thing freezes and I have to go into task manager and kill all the processes. Back to my rant. If you are going to offer a product, make sure it really works with your core program. PG dangling the sampletank carrot in front of you is not cool if they don't have the bugs worked out. If you need to load the GM map every time you want to use it, that is a red flag right there. I can work without it, loading my own patches every time, but that seems kinda stupid to me. Sampletank 2.5 omnisynth is the perfect solution for a program like BIAB that is so reliant on 1) 32 bit VSTs 2)general midi. They need to make it air tight though. It's one thing to have to develop a strategy on delaing with Realdrums vs. GM, it's a whole different thing when the whole program buckles because you load IK's GM map into it. Support should figure this out and give implicit step by step instructions to resolve. Noel, they already have a good start with all that you have done to figure it out. This wouldn't bug me if I didn't feel I was "this close" to making it work.