Hi Bob ...

tghe key word has already been said ... commercial! And like Herb said, there are many terrific songs on the boards here ... but the commercial aspect isn't what all them are working for. Some just want to write a damned good song ... and they do ... but this one is about as commercial as anything I've heard on the boards in the almost-year we've been here.

Congrats on a great write and nice mic. You demo guy did you good. Whatever you paid him, you got more than your money's worth, I would speculate.

As soon as the vocal kicked in and we hears a couple of lines, Di and I looked at each other and said "If Nashville doesn't like this, their heads are far beyond where the sun doesn't shine!"

Standing "O" from the two of us .... still clapping!

Alan & Di

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Loops: https://aldavidmusic.wixsite.com/bestmusicloops