Originally Posted By: floyd jane

You know I've always been a big fan of your singing voice...Great to hear it again! This one goes straight to the top of the list.

How did you do the opening cymbal? Nice touch!

Great mix. Everything sounds good - and right in the slot. Nice bass!
Those far-off ooohs are nicely done. The sax solo is about the best I've heard in a rock song (What RT was that???). Terrific guitar solo. It sings!

Good use of the banjo.

Good write (yes, the saxophone line made me laugh every time I played this). Cool video.

Awesome. Delightful. A standing O.


Hi Floyd.

Seems to be taking me forever to get to do all the replies, sorry.

The main drum track is RD, but the cymbals are a mix of our own samples and some sounds from Edirol Orchestral. There's also some roto-toms in there which are our samples and some more percussion from Forte.

I got an idea for the bass part from an RT, but it wasn't doing everything I wanted, so I put it in live on my old Jazz bass. Listening to the guitar solo, it sounds like I did it on the Les Paul, but in actual fact it's the Tele!

The sax is RT 404: Sax, Tenor, Hip Hop Rock. It took quite a lot of regenerating and comping, but it's amazing to get that quality of solo from software.

The banjo? I thought - If Floyd can put overdrive into country, I can put a banjo into Rock!

Many thanks for the review my old pal.