
Just to clarify... :-)

Someone asked me before if using jBridge in Windows XP 32bit in a computer with 8Gb of RAM would allow him to use ALL the installed RAM.

The last time I checked, in my laptop, Windows XP/Vista/7 32bit only "see" a maximum of 3.5Gb, even if the computer has more RAM installed ( I am not getting into details such as memory remap or PAE, in some cases a 32bit OS can "see" more than 4Gb of RAM, but with the 32bit versions of XP/Vista/7 you're limited to less than 4Gb ).

So, to have all that RAM available you should use a 64bit version of Windows, which can "see" all the RAM, and can still run your 32bit applications.

Suppose you have 16Gb in you machine, you're running a 64bit version of Windows, and you want to use BIAB ( which is a 32bit application ):

A 32bit application is theoretically limited to 4Gb of addressable RAM ( depending on some technical factors, some 32bit applications can crash if they use more than 1.2Gb of RAM ), but the advantage of running a 64bit OS is that you can run several 32bit applications, each one using up to 4Gb, so you'd have 4Gb+4Gb+4gb+4Gb, etc.

That is, if you use bridging in BIAB in a 64bit OS, you can certainly use all the RAM available, but keep in mind that if you're bridging a 32bit plugin, each instance of that 32bit plugin should not exceed a certain amount of RAM usage ( I've seen 32bit plugins going above 3GB without any problems, I've seen some older ones becoming unstable after 1.5Gb ). You can use several instances of the plugin to workaround that issue.

But, if you're bridging a 64bit plugin to a 32bit DAW, no such limitation applies, a 64bit plugin can use all the RAM your system has available in a single instance, no matter if you're bridging it to a 32bit DAW, since it runs in its own 64bit process. :-)