I'm terminally positive about this topic, even though all the evidence states otherwise. I basically think that the darkest hour is just before the dawn. Every technological change creates new opportunities, but it also erodes the old way. People who watch for and identify the new opportunities will do well, and those who put all their eggs in "the old way" basket will tend to find fewer and fewer eggs.

I think there are a thousand ways to pursue music today, right now.. we just need to find them and act on them.

Or not. Everybody gets to make that call. I like playing music so much that I choose to look for the new opportunities, even if it means I have to put on my salesman hat and approach places I think would make viable venues for baby boomers and try to sell them on my vision.

If you ask me to name the new opportunities, I can't because I haven't actualized any yet. But I do have some ideas and I'm working on them. I fully expect to get good results eventually, but not without a lot of effort.

Nothing can happen unless it's possible. I look around and I see people making new musical paradigms work, therefore I know it's possible. I see it as a new gold rush. Some will get rich selling picks and pans to the prospectors, some will strike gold, and the vast majority of people will waste their time.

Life has no guarantees. But multiple studies have proven that people who have goals are happier... whether they reach their goals or not. It is the pursuit that provides the thrill.