Live music is alive and well. It has merely morphed into singles/duos from 5 piece outfits.

I would love to have a 7-piece with some horns, a killer FOH guy and a righteous sound system. Of course, I would also like to have a 42' Grand Banks trawler and a chalet in Tahoe. grin

I think it's simply a matter of demographics. If you're playing 60's/70's covers, adjust your demographic accordingly.

Someone born in 1964 was 16 in 1980 ( to use Bob's example). The problem is; people don't just turn 16 and begin to notice music. I believe that music affects children at a tender age. Most of the early Beatles fans were 12-13 year old girls. 12. That's someone born in 1951.

For 60's/70's covers, I think the prime demo is about 45-70. Sounds like a dull group, no? The fact is that this demographic is mostly retired, affluent, and going through their 2nd Childhood! laugh

I know this is a rather odious way to make a living to some wink , but when the sound is perfect, and you're in the pocket, and people are dancing – it's all worth it.

By the way.................

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