Sooooo, let me think "out loud" for a minute.

I consider myself a musician: I can adequately play a few instruments, and similarly carry a tune vocally. I am somewhat proficient at BIAB.

Let's say I have composed a half dozen songs using BIAB entirely, and "released" them to the pubic. They are, by anyone's standard, "adequate".

Along comes an accomplished DJ, likes my songs, takes them to a "gig" where there is a multitude of people, and proceeds to "mix" them, lining up the "spikes" or whatever they do, and the crowd goes wild.

Who is more of a musician, me or the DJ?
Without my input, he wouldn't have a "hit" on his hand. Without his mixing talent, my songs are destined for obscurity, sitting on a website somewhere.

My expertise came from my knowledge of music and BIAB, his came from his knowledge of mixing and knowing what the crowd might enjoy.

He may not know a guitar from a sitar but is he any less a "person who makes music" than I?