“In my opinion” is being over used on this thread “in my opinion”. wink

I’m gonna go out on a limb and state the obvious, … anything that any of us post is our own opinion unless we are quoting someone else. It’s almost as if some of us believe that by prefacing a remark with “in my opinion” that it insulates us from criticism for making those remarks.

After all, we aren’t stating absolute truths! We’re just stating our opinion. (Where’s the sarcasm emoticon when you need it?) Hehe.

I’ve got a new idea. Why not just have balls enough to state what you think without adding “in my opinion” in an effort to insulate yourself from criticism?

In all fairness, most of the posts that have used the term “in my opinion” were in response to Eddie posting his list of qualifications of what it takes to be deserving of being called a “musician”, ……..., in his opinion.

If you are proficient in playing a musical instrument, then you’re a musician. That’s not just my opinion, … it’s a fact.