Originally Posted By: floyd jane

that is EXACTLY what I thought as I listened!!

It helps that Avanna has that sort of sound (although less than non-English Vocaloids). laugh

Originally Posted By: floyd jane

The arrangement and mix are terrific - although the "drop" of the instrument levels was "noticeable".

Thanks for pointing that out. Usually I don't pull the levels down quite so low, but I was worried about intelligibility. I actually went back and re-did all of the vocal tracks to fix a number of intelligibility issues, and I should have re-evaluated the mix a bit better.

Originally Posted By: floyd jane

Leaving the drums out was an excellent effect.

I'm always pleasantly surprised when doing something as simple as that turns out to be so effective.

Originally Posted By: floyd jane

Lowering the piano, sounded like..lowering a piano track. Perhaps it would better to drop it, too and let the guitar take that one alone?...

Ooops. I usually try to fade over a bar or two, and bring in something else as well to make the effect less noticeable. Thanks for letting me know the "slight of hand" isn't working!

I really love the piano bits that I let "peek through", but I might have another go at the mix. I was also thinking of another mix I'd done, where I'd stripped it down a tad too much.

This time, I'll keep a backup of the prior session!

Originally Posted By: floyd jane

One last thing... YOU should be singing your songs. The "girls" are very impressive. But you are better.

Thanks, I'll see what I can do! smile

- David

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?