Hi Rob,

Let me tell you first that I am not a pro. I am just like you and using BIAB for much the same things as you do with my small groups - mainly Dixieland/Swing/Mainstream Jazz. Most of the band members also have BIAB (not always the latest version unfortunately) and we swap files of the tunes we are working on. As an extra benefit this also allows you to practice your part for a tune at home before a practice session.

I also play 1st bone in several amateur big bands (are there any pro big bands these days?) and like to arrange for these. Hence again my habit of developing the arrangements in BIAB.

Yep, I agree there might be some ante in combining our experience by sending files to each other and see if we can come up with some improved methods, partner software programs etc. I am a bit busy over the next few days with other work (I work as a marketing consultant for a small but worldwide successful software company - non music. I am not a programmer! grin )

Just one more point from me before I put my head down on some deadlines. As a marketing type I am looking at the number of views of this topic. That again indicates the big interest in getting proper score printouts from BIAB! I know an awful lot of people who would update to get those improvements cool

If I remember correctly, the last person that worked a lot on this kind of thing was Oliver Gannon when he gave us Tags etc. Maybe he would do some more work? He certainly has the knowledge, as does boss bros Peter, of course.

Grah Jive Talk
"Don't worry baby, they'll swing their arses off."