Pat came a'calling last Tuesday 2/3/15. We started over breakfast and I was immediately comfortable with him. We talked for a while, then went back to my place. He met my wife Trudy, who is also a musician, and complimented for being (per my description) the perfect woman. Okay, so now they're friends, too. cool

I showed him some of my guitars and my studio. He took pics and perhaps video of me at the console. I surprised and disappointed myself by not being able to find some advanced projects I created in BIAB and am working on in Propellerhead Reason. It didn't even occur to me to look for stuff still in BIAB form. More about that in a moment.

A great serendipity was that a reissue Gretsch Country Gentleman G6122-1962 I had ordered arrived while he was there. He got video of a Very Happy Person accepting and unpacking it, then demonstrating what a Very Rusty Player I am.

Pat left as I was beginning to fade. I work nights and had just finished my shift before breakfast. I wish we could have met longer, but I was just too tired.

Now, here's the really cool thing. Pat, through questioning and by his "mere" presence, has triggered a reawakening. The next day I found all of my BIAB projects on my DAW (funny place for them, don't you think?), and my Reason projects on a laptop I use for business (and had planned on using as a mobile studio). Since then I have been playing daily, listening to my work in BIAB, and thinking musical thoughts I haven't had in a very long time. I wish we had had more time to bounce ideas off each other, or even played together. In short, I was vastly benefited by his visit and left wishing for more.

Pat, I hope to be in future contact with you, you old inspirational genius, you! Please be safe on the rest of your journey.


"My primary musical instrument is the personal computer."