Originally Posted By: Don Gaynor
Pat, you are always welcome to visit me at my nursing home and entertain we patients.

you're on the list Don!

Danny and Linda came and knocked the socks off everyone. They are coming back in March. We plan to stream it live on www.streetjelly.com this time, barring technical problems. Linda mixed so beautifully with everyone that for weeks afterward I couldn't pass through the Dining Room without being asked: "When's Danny and Linda coming back?"

Danny and Linda are definitely two of the most charming people on the planet! They are such a good match! On a likability scale from one to ten, they are both 12s

Summer Russell came, sat Indian style in the middle of my bed, then proceeded to mesmerize me with her beautiful voice and arpeggios on guitar. She is another treasure.

Owl keep the stoop lawt own fer y'all.

don't forget to post pictures from Danny's visit in March!
