Originally Posted By: c_fogle

My late brother who lived and worked in Nashville for many years when encouraging me to continue to write songs, always told me I only had to get it right ONCE. But that time would almost always come when it was least expected and likely be a song least expected to resonate with everyone - as such a song would certainly have to do.

I believe you have written a ONE! I made my first post before I had listened enough times to allow the song to really sink in but I now realize this is beautiful piece of craftsmanship.


Thank you Charlie. You are too kind.

Originally Posted By: JimFogle
This is a song that I feel deep inside and it hurts, it aches ... but all in a good way. You've shared an experience everyone can relate with on a gut level. Now THAT'S songwriting!

The production matches the song. Very powerful.

Thank you very much Jim.