Hey Rob,

I liked this a lot.. I thought it contained a lot of cohesion throughout, and some interesting word play. I don't know if it was intentional to describe the woman's angst as her response to being "dealt a hand" as a parallel to shooting the man as he played a game of cards. Whether or not you intended it that way, it works.

I also liked the way you arranged each verse to logically end with some variation of the song's title. In order to do that you needed a LOT of words that rhyme with GROUND, and it would have been very easy to introduce awkward sentences in order to get the rhyme. I thought you did a remarkable job of keeping it natural and avoiding any combination that sounded contrived.

I liked the shots... it added some shock factor to what might otherwise have just come across as a story. But, in that context, the shot could have been louder.

The photo to the right of the song is perfect!

Although songs like this don't show up on the radio much anymore, there seems to be a resurgence of songs like this at music festivals... but in that context there tends to be a lot more soloing of various instruments.

All in all, I'm very impressed with this song! Good job all 'round!
You should be playing live.