First of all, music is my life - I sing and play sax, wind synth, flute, guitar, bass, drums, and keyboard synth. I make my own backing tracks and write aftermarket style and fake 'disks' for Band-in-a-Box.

So is there time for anything else?

Leilani and I like to travel - that's probably the biggie. We've been to 49 US States, half the Canadian Provinces, a few states in Mexico and down to Costa Rica, the Bahamas and many island countries in the Caribbean, a half dozen countries in Europe, a couple in Asia and one in Africa.

We are both amateur travel and wildlife photographers and have done some pro quality shots (if you shoot enough, a few of them are bound to turn out great).

We like reading books, mostly non-fiction with a layman's scientific bent. We read books together, Leilani reads aloud and I listen (I learn things by listening), that way we are physically on the same page. Some days a paragraph or sentence will lead us off into a discussion and a half hour later realize we've not read much at all, those are some great days.

We do plenty of other things, but those are the most common.

Insights and incites by Notes

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks