Originally Posted By: ROG
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GUYS. (Yes, it's a day late, but the thought is there!)

A big, BIG sound that hangs together beautifully. Plays well loud without breaking up and I mean I did play it LOUD.

What else can I say? Clever lyrics, great vocal, super guitar work, supremely professional all round.

You don't think the drums could have been louder, Floyd? (Ha)

Have a good year.


Hey ROG! Seems I missed you... sorry about that... I've had a lot going on lately... juggling life, you know... Thanks for the nice comments... I did have the drums louder, actually smile Tom made me turn them down (he does big drums, so I figured if he thought they were too loud, I might have gone a bit heavy...)

Originally Posted By: Sundance
Well, maybe it's weird weather - if you don't have any yet me commenting twice could likely cause atmospheric changes. LOL!

I've already said I love the song but I'm crazy about the chorus and those harmonies - high energy full out - what a GREAT sound.


smile Thanks, Josie...things got kinda crazy there for a while, eh?