Sure it's easy to say and I agree that nobody's like all of us on here don't have to care but it's bad for music. And after God and family music is what I've always loved most my whole life - regardless of fame and fortune. I love music from almost all genres. Old and new. So I care when something bizarre like this happens. Because even if I don't like a hit I hear, I respect everything it took to get there for that songwriter/artist/producer to have that hit and make those millions of dollars.

And if this stands, who's to say that next the song fingerprinting technology already in use won't become more advanced and spread way beyond Youtube. All music sites on the internet could start targeting the nobody's making music for fun too just because they used a bass chord pattern, drum groove or have a similar cowbell or something. This could be a future hassle for everybody - all nobody's having fun included.
