
Welcome to the Showcase! "Awesome" first post!

Zowie! What a singer! He sounds very much like a friend and co-writer of mine - who was looked at hard by several labels for a deal... Your guy is that good... the background vocals are beautiful, too - did the same person do those, as well?

Your arrangement is excellent. Nicely balanced and allowing the vocals (and lyric) to shine. The mix is nice. I think the drums are a tad soft (meaning too low) - everything else is right where it needs to be. (as Guenter mentioned the ending is cut, but you already addressed that)

Very nice prosody in your writing. Very reminiscent of Dan Fogelberg (I'm surprised that Greg did not mention that). Simple wording that doesn't sound simple as it is sung - that is not easy to pull off. And a beautiful message. Excellent melody, too...

Well done. Looking forward to what's to come...
