Originally Posted By: bobcflatpicker
Originally Posted By: sinbad
But would it still look like one if a DJ played it? wink

I haven't seen a whole lot of DJ/Mixologist's since I'm not a fan of the genre, but the ones I have seen or watched videos of weren't using an instrument to play melodies, harmonies, chords, arpeggios or leads.

They were triggering loops, samples, drum tracks, etc. They weren't "playing" anything. I wasn't able to get through more than a few minutes of the clip Josie posted because the music was so obnoxious, so forgive me if the guy pulled out an instrument like the Linnstrument and actually "played" a song later in the clip.

If a DJ/Mixologist triggers his backing tracks and then pulls out an instrument and plays melodies, harmonies, chords, arpeggios and leads over those backing tracks, then he/she is a Musician/DJ/Mixologist and will probably stay as busy as he/she wants to as a professional performer.

As John cubed so sarcastically called it, they'll enter the "tree house" of the musicians if they actually play an instrument during their performance. Even if it's an unconventional instrument like the Linnstrument.

Bob, I give you a TON of credit! Please know there is no sarcasm in that either. I believe we all have those types of music we don't like. To give a shot at listening to something you know you don't like to expand you mind...awesome my friend.

And believe me I get it! I had a trip to Chicago once that we stopped in a jazz club. I like some forms of Jazz, but not all. There was a drummer playing...I assumed warming up. The reason I thought he was warming up was there was also a guy on keys playing as well. BOTH were playing in different styles, tempos...not AT ALL the same song. And it kept going! I asked someone when then were going to start, and I wasn't kidding. The guy next to me, who was really into it, said it was free form jazz. I know and appreciate jazz, and like a lot of it. He was telling me the goal of this was to both play as opposite of each other as possible without being influenced by the other. Nothing was supposed to go together! Interesting concept that sounded horrible to me. I'm sure not all free form jazz is like that, but wow!

Kudos my friend!

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.