I see it that both the DJ playing his instrument and someone using this feature in BIAB can create music but cannot necessarily duplicate the same song again.

He replicates it as much as any other live musician would. It's a performance, so there will be subtle variations, but it's the same song.

In the same manner, any individual can also randomly pluck strings of a guitar, play random notes from a sax or trumpet creating music or musical notes

Give me a break, what he is not as random as you are making it out to be. You make it seem as though anyone with no skill can sit at a guitar and randomly pick notes and have it sound as good as what he is doing. Please.

but it is a musician who has the mastery to replicate melodies, harmonies and notes into a cohesive, repeatable duplicate composition called a song.

The fact the he, and many others do exactly that, has me believing...by your own definition...is making a song.

Can he/does he replicate his melodies...yes!
Can he/does he replicate harmonies...yes!
Is it a cohesive, and repeatable composition...yes!
Look out world...he...made...a...song! But I'm sure you will find some other way to disagree. So...

I think I am done with this topic.

At some point you just have to look at people and realize that for some the facts don't matter.

For every point that is made, I can show you someone doing that very thing to counter it.

But it doesn't and won't ever matter to someone that doesn't want to change their mind. Evidence and proof don't matter. It ultimately comes down to people just disagreeing without valid points. They are just disagreeable.

I have SOOOOO much more respect for someone that just says "Yeah...to me that sounds like crap. I honestly HATE it with a passion. But they are skilled at playing their instrument, even if it's not like any instrument I've ever seen, and making whatever that noise is." LOL

I lose respect for people who are of the thinking of "That's not how I do it, so it's wrong."

Believe it or not, I've gained A LOT of respect for some people from this thread. I'm glad the discussion was had.

Thanks to all of you...even those with opposing views! It was neat to see the examples given and have me think a bit more about what a musician and song is! I even had the discussion with my family and showed them examples. How cool is it that things like this spark conversations like that?

THANK YOU! smile

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.