The engineer in a recording studio makes music from clips the musicians recorded. So is the engineer a musician?

Um...well you said "makes music"...lol. I think to a point yes. He would have to be familiar with things like song structure, and meter to make that work. Those are essential to...creating music. You couldn't have a two year old take those clips and make a song. I do see your point though.

I think you meant, but could be wrong, is the person who pushes the record button, kind of thing, a musician. I would say no on that one.

Is the person doing the mixing a musician?

I don't believe so. Does he/she play an instrument besides mixing? Then he/she may be. But the act of mixing doesn't make you a musician in my book.

So does the person who sets up a rhythm on a drum machine and raps over the top. Is that rapper a musician?

It sounds like it would be to me. rhythm and pitch, understanding of hooks maybe. I would say yes. I get not as complex musically as classical music, but neither is most music.

The person who downloads a web page template and fills in his/her information. Is that person a computer programmer?

No. But this is a flawed analogy. The DJ examples I gave aren't using a template any more than any other musician is using...song structure/form.

Interestingly, is the person who takes a piece of sheet music and plays to it not a musician?

The nurse who assists in the surgical theater, is he/she a doctor?

Sorry, but your analogies don't seem to work. The nurse, by definition, is different than the doctor, by definition.

The DJ examples I gave, by definition of "musician", are musician.

Does this mean ALL DJ's are musicians. Not at all.

But to say none of them are, is not accurate either.

There are DJ's who are musicians. You would argue there isn't a single one that is.

And meanings of words do change. It's the nature of language. It's dynamic.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.