Originally Posted By: Ryszard
Originally Posted By: Ryszard
Josie, I have long said that the term "DJ" has become ambiguous. Many, if not most, associate it with spinning discs of dance music, and a lot of people still do that. No one would argue that this constitutes musicianship.

However, the term has morphed to include people who use programs such as Ableton Live and Propellerhead Reason to generate music on the fly. Frank Zappa borrowed the definition of music as being "organized sound" from a twentieth-century classical composer. I staunchly assert that what *these* DJs produce *is* music, and that they are, by definition, musicians.

I back this up with my signature line, which states that "my primary musical instrument is the personal computer." Of course, I play guitar, bass, and other instruments, but what I produce would not be possible without the use of adjunct programs and the PC itself—used in a musical fashion.

The logical next step in that parade is Mr. Don Gaynor, who cannot play an instrument, yet generates some exceptional tuneage. Does anyone care to argue that he is *not* a musician?

Third post in the discussion.

Hmmm...... Have we reached the point now in this thread where we're not only repeating our positions "ad nauseam", but we're also going to go back and re-post quotes of ourselves from earlier in the thread?

Looks like we have.

Jeez. It's no wonder that 90dB keeps posting gif's of dead horses being beaten.