Thank you. That is appreciated my friend smile I could and will say the same for you.

As far as the video, I know what you mean. The dexterity to do that is impressive. I don't know if my brain could do it, lol!

He has another video, that is basically a tutorial on how he played that very song. It's very interesting to watch. It shows how he actually plays it all.

I appreciate his sense of humor as well.

376,729 subscribers
Joined Oct 2, 2012

Not bad smile

I didn't discuss as much as I would have liked to during the week, being family and job must come first. That being said, I was looking forward to the weekend when I have slightly more time. But the thread didn't see much activity. I can only assume that it's because...wait for it...they were all out doing their DJ gigs? grin

And to be clear I, apparently, have NO life!

Last edited by HearToLearn; 04/19/15 12:25 PM.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.