Originally Posted By: RnAM

This is beautiful guys! The bridge in particular followed by the a capella part.
Vocals, everything sits well in the crystal-clear mix. A very nice ending too. And then we almost forgot the guitar solo!

Rob & Anne-Marie

RnAM: The bridge didn't exist in Joanne's original version. Joanne had a really strong basic draft idea waiting to be polished and structured a bit. She had the chorus twice with different words, and me, being who I am, and how I think...suggested that we eliminate the "B" chorus and convert it into a honest to goodness bridge..... then, we needed to release the tension of the bridge for the final chorus......simple piano part with unison vox seemed to work perfectly there. The solo actually started life as an acoustic guitar solo, but again.... the overdriven guitar won the day. Thank you for listening and commenting. I almost passed on this song in favor of a different one but changed my mind ...and I'm glad now that I selected this tune. Joanne is a great writer and super person to work with.

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