Boehm: Glad you liked the guitars.... psssstt... me too.

Videotrack: Glad you liked it Thanks

JosieC: this was a fun project.... working with you was a breeze.

Sergio: Thank you. Yes, I think this song has a great melody in it. Especially that killer chorus....

Gruverider: I didn't start out thinking that this would be a piano based song. As I work, things just tend to take their own path.

I've said once or twice in the past that a song will tell you how it should be written and produced if you just listen to what it's telling you. This one is a shining example of that philosophy.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.