Hi Steve.

Strangely, I posted something about this yesterday in our recording tips.

Personally, I still prefer the way it used to be done which is by listening. I know that everything tends to be measured these days, but I don't think that meters are ever as good as ears at judging something so subjective as sound intensity. When I listen to modern albums, or programmes on the TV, this view is reinforced. You don't have to be a sound engineer to know when something is loo loud or too quiet - anyone who has ever reached for the volume control has demonstrated that.

My advice is to get the songs arranged into the playing order and listen to the transitions. Make notes as to which ones need to go up and down. Take the one with the least sound intensity and normalise it. Adjust the others by one db at a time until all the transitions sound good. If it sounds OK to you, it will probably sound OK to everyone else.

I know that this may seem like the view of a Luddite, but I've never found a better way. Hope it helps.

Regards, ROG.