ROG is right about listening. You might consider use of a metering plugin that uses 'k' metering. The 'k' is in reference to Bob Katz, who is a pretty well known mastering engineer and devised a more loudness based method of metering than just SPL. Bob has lots of reading on this topic on his website, with plenty of recommended tracks for evidence of preserving dynamics and not just pushing levels for the loudness war.

SPAN by Voxengo is a freebie FFT analyzer that also has K-metering:

Bob Katz's website:

But as ROG suggests, put your ears to use primarily. Recordable CDs are cheap. Sequence your tracks the way that you think they should be on the CD and listen to them in order, as well as on shuffle in your various available playback positions. Take notes of differences in levels that are surprising (may not be a bad thing) between tracks.