Hi, guys !

This is no easy question !
I have a lot of copyrighted music
myself,but as I am not making
a living out of it, I can afford to
be very generous about how people
would use my music ! In my opinion, though,
it seems that copyright associations
now and then seem to go over the top
as with the suggestion over here that
even taxis would pay licensing fees for
music played to customers during
transports ! I do not see any other
way than that the copyright holders
and the customers must be able to work out
solutions that are fair to everyone -
and that usually means that everyone has
to give in a bit ! If not there is a risk
that copyrighted music will be performed
at private occasions only and that would
probably hurt both sides - what you can
hope for is that both sides are able to
excert what you would call "common sense" !
