Some that come to mind:

"Sausalito" by Greg Johnson

"Given up for lent" (Floyd Jane)

"Guilty" by Guenter

"Dust on the floor" - GuitarHacker

Apologies to all the others - haven't intentionally left any one out - just too many to list...

Thanks for the examples.

This was never about who didn't make the list...heck, my 1 song that was 3/4ths done didn't get listed (obviously! ha!).

I get there are a lot of people and examples to pull from. I just wanted to know a few of what other members thought "whoa! Now THAT is really cool!"

I like to get other perspectives and there is MUCH respect here from me for all of you!

Thanks again!

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.