I have never considered "bachelor pad" and "trailer" being used that closely in a sentence.

That's just funny Eddie!

For me, it wasn't about the video, just pointing out country and rock's overlap.

Now, about the video (lol), of course it's over the top. The TV and the internet does just about anything they can to grab attention. It's the nature of the beast. Even, or especially, the news!

The video isn't that new of a concept, obviously. It's got that hint of Romeo and Juliet. Sometimes things don't end perfectly, or well at all! Then again, the video implies it to a point, but we really don't know if they get together at a different point after this incident.

They country-fied it with a pick up truck and the dog wink

I did think the nature of their relationship was that they were together and now she was leaving. I didn't take it as they were brother and sister either. Although, in some parts of the country, maybe it's all the same? shocked

She did check into a hotel. When back at the trailer she did load the suitcase into the car. Was she visiting and planning to stay a day or two? She didn't have much...but it didn't look like they had much as far as material possessions..decent cell phones of course wink

For all we know, she was going to visit, saw the place and said "heck no!" and left. He couldn't get her to come back to that place so he torched it and moved on.

The bottom line, they don't fill in too many details. They give you something, but it's up to you to fill in the rest. I've never figured out if that's lazy or brilliant...here we are discussing it though wink

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.