
I remember summer 2003 in Vienna. We had 39 C.

But I guess that`s nothing compared to Phoenix. Whenever I look into my favorite weather site, I check out Phoenix (just because its so fascinating to me) and it`s always over 40. At the moment it says 44 C. How can you live in a town that has no lake or sea with such high temperatures. My respect to the people there, wow.


We've just had 3 weeks with the temp ranging from 101-117F. everyday. We live in Redding, California and the humidity is very low here even though a river runs right through the center of town. We have a high desert climate here on the edge of the surrounding mountains. I've never been to Austria, but I have been to Germany. Sure would like to be there right now, though.


P.S. The USA never adopted the metric system like the rest of the world. I'm a woodworker and the metric system is oh so much easier to use. The government did try to mandate the metric system probably 40? years ago, but everyone just ignored it. Too bad for us.

Cornet Curmudgeon